Everyone has a divine destiny, an ultimate purpose for which his or her life can count.
What few people know is, they can choose that purpose. In fact, God requires us to choose our life’s purpose. We can choose to follow Him. We can choose to walk in love and faith. We can choose to give our life for the Kingdom of God. He commands us to choose life or death, blessing or cursing. We even choose whether we will be a vessel of honor or dishonor.
Essential Heart Physics:
Includes 2 CD’s
The apostle Paul reached the end of his life and said, “I have finished the race”. Jesus reached the end of His earthly life and said, “It is finished!” Each of them entered into eternity with the peace, confidence and joy that only comes from a life well spent. They knew what it meant to live for a purpose.
The secret to the faith, consistency and supernatural empowerment for all great people is purpose. When people have a purpose, to which they are fully committed, their life is filled with power and confidence. They live on a plane that is above what most people will ever experience.
My life Mission will take you through an incredible process whereby you connect to your life’s Mission Statement. It will give purpose and power to every minute of your life. Your every breath will be charged with a new energy. It will put you in a category with men like the apostle Paul, Elisha, Elijah, Joseph and all those in the “roll call of faith.” You will live with purpose, and you will reach the end of your days with the satisfaction of a life well spent.
CD 1
Track One: My Life Mission
Track Two: How to Establish a Life Mission Statement
CD 2
My Life Mission Heart Exercise