What Is Heart Physics®?
Heart Physics is based on scriptural teaching about the heart.
Based on the teachings of Jesus, we understand that the simple laws of physics reveal deep insights into God’s workings in the heart. Likewise, Paul’s comments in Romans 1:20 provide incredible insights into how God’s Word works in our heart:
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead.
God is not the author of confusion, conflict or inconsistency. Everything God created, and everything God does is based on consistent, congruent laws. Heart Physics is a program designed to establish the word of God in our heart in a way that produces fruit!
The greatest need of the 21st-century church is to translate intellectual biblical information into heart beliefs. Through the intellectualizing of Scripture, we have alienated ourselves from the power of God which works from our heart. We can answer questions but we don’t have power. We know how it should work, but don’t understand why it doesn’t work. In the absence of real power we create more doctrines and formulas which simply produce more frustration, failure and powerless rules. We are overloaded with information but lacking in life transforming power!
Through Heart Physics the believer is able to establish his or her heart in the truth of God’s word while experiencing God’s power to live that truth! Cutting edge science reveals the literal accuracy of the biblical teaching concerning the heart. We now know that the heart controls the entire human being. It is the auto pilot that directs our life with little or no conscious thought or effort. It even controls our biological functions which determine our health and energy. By changing the beliefs, perceptions, and associations of the heart, our automatic responses change, our bodily functions works as they should, and life as a whole becomes more in line with the scripture.
Based on this model, any behavior can be changed by simply replacing an old, ineffective belief with a new belief. We finally have a way to transform our lives without falling into the trap of legalism, willpower or mere behavior modification. This means the life we choose is within our reach. We can no longer be controlled or limited by outside factors.
Heart Physics operates from the principle of (PPET) painless, permanent, effortless transformation. The fact that we are not changing through our own effort but experiencing transformation through God’s power guarantees that becoming the person we want to be is within reach of every believer. For the believer it is not about changing. Changing is focused on rejecting who we are and becoming someone else. This type of effort is conflicting and demeaning. It is a total rejection of self. Some research indicates that nothing is more destructive to our self-worth than attempting to become what we are not. Our every effort to “become” reaffirms the realization that I am not! We are not trying to become what we are not! We are attempting to yield to who we really are in Christ! Transformation under our own power is impossible; but it is 100% possible when we rest in His power. Heart physics is the laboring to enter into rest. We are not laboring to change. We are persuading our hearts to believe the truth about our true identity in Jesus. When that occurs we rest in our new nature and identity thereby experiencing transformation! Because heart physics is not based on willpower for behavior modification, it is not a set up for failure. If willpower worked, people’s problems would easily be resolved and world suffering would come to an end. If history has taught us anything, it is the fact that willpower always loses to feeling and emotions. Heart Physics taps into the deepest resources of the Holy Spirit in the inner man (the heart). It utilizes man’s inherent capacity for transformation through beliefs, and it facilitates the opportunity to tap into the grace (ability) of God. By accessing man’s deepest inherent natural resources and man’s greatest Spiritual power, Heart Physics presents the opportunity to change beyond one’s own strength and willpower.
Spiritual Application
God’s grace, His power and ability, is given to us freely. Having been made righteous through faith in the Lord Jesus, we have peace (tranquility based on every need being met and the assurance of peace between us and God) with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have access to into this grace (God’s ability and power) through faith – our complete persuasion and assurance of the truth (Romans 5:1, and expanded translation). Grace works in our hearts not in our minds. As we learn to connect to Christ in our hearts we also connect to His grace, through which we are able to be, do and have all that is promised through the resurrection of Jesus. Until the resurrected life is experienced in our heart it is only powerless information. We are not trying to become what we are not. We are accessing the power (grace) of God to be who we really are in Christ! We have no need to get, because we already have. We have no need to become because we have been made righteous. Our future doesn’t depend on our strength, because we have access to God’s strength. We access His grace (strength) to be. Through the principles of biblical meditation we are able to fully convince our heart of the truth of God’s promises… for us! To the degree they become our sense of reality, we are empowered to live in them as our reality.
The Secret Ingredient
Now that we are in Christ, we have a new identity. We are hid in Christ! God has a view, and an opinion of us based on our being in Him! This is God’s eternal reality. To live in God’s reality we must believe and experience it in our own heart; we must accept, choose and experience His reality until we are fully persuaded. Christ in you is the hope, the confident expectation of glory, (God’s view and opinion) becoming our experienced reality (Col 1:27, and expanded translation). The key to His reality becoming ours is based on the fact that Christ is now in us! Heart Physics works to facilitate the believer experiencing that reality. As Christ in us becomes an abiding reality, we have a sense of limitlessness. All things become possible to the person who can experience Christ in their heart!
The Program
Heart Physics is made up of a series of modules. A module is a program designed to persuade the heart of one particular promise of God as a present reality. A module can be anywhere from a one week to a 30 day program. Plus there are individual support materials designed to subconsciously support the decisions and beliefs being developed in Heart Physics. All of the modules are designed to follow the Essential Heart Physics module. Essential Heart Physics is a thirty day module that takes the participant through a progressive cognitive and internal (subconscious) realization of Christ in them. In nearly all cases, by the end of the thirty days the heart becomes persuaded of this reality and is able to experience Christ as an ever present reality. Most modules begin with a general teaching about the particular program and how it works. The participant should read and listen to all instructional material before beginning. Failure to follow the program as it is designed will greatly reduce its effectiveness. The number one reason people do not experience what they should is when they do not follow the program as it is outlines. Essential Heart Physics has (3) introductory teaching sessions. We advise participants to complete the introduction material and begin the daily exercises on a Monday. After completing the introductory material the module is broken up in weekly segments, beginning on Monday with five daily coaching sessions and a weekly biblical meditation session. The Heart Monitor journal is for recording daily progress. There are also specific assignments for the weekend. New daily coaching sessions for each week and a new weekly Heart Physics meditation are included in the thirty day program to bring you through the planned progression toward the desired result.
The End Result
There is no way to predict the ultimate outcome of using this program for each individual. We make no specific claims or promises, but our participants overwhelmingly complete the program with an abiding sense of “Christ in me” and a feeling of “limitlessness”. What happens from this point is up to the participant. A more meaningful, peaceful productive relationship with God is the first and most common experience. Falling more deeply in love with and becoming immensely more appreciative of God is a very common outcome. People have experienced all manner of physical transformations, creativity in their work, healing in their relationships and breaking of destructive patterns, are just a few of the many testimonies we have received from Essential Heart Physics. Once you’ve completed Essential Heart Physics, each advanced module is designed for specific results.
(reasons not to use Heart Physics) There are no known or reported contraindications at this time. However, for those suffering from epilepsy, it may be wise to consult with a qualified health care provider before beginning Heart Physics. Participants should never listen to a Heart Physics meditation while driving or doing any activity that requires their full attention. The person who is not fully committed to following Jesus as Lord should not attempt Heart Physics.
Who Needs the Heart Physics Program? Those who are:
- Seeking to develop a heart connection with God that moves them past mere information
- Desire to develop a biblically based sense of self-worth
- Want a deeper connection to Christ
- Committed to overcoming destructive patterns
- Tired of trying hard and getting no results
- Fully committed to following Jesus as Lord
- Are finding it difficult to experience God