Where Do I Start?
No matter what your intention is, start with Essential Heart Physics®. This is where you establish yourself in the very basic of Christ in you. Without this reality, none of the other modules will produce very much fruit. This is also where you establish yourself in the mechanics of relaxation and meditation. The inability to relax makes it impossible to access or influence your heart.
As you work through Essential Heart Physics® take your time. This is not a race. Getting through the program is not the goal. Experiencing what God wants you to experience is the goal. You may find that you want to repeat a particular week several times. That’s alright. If that is where your heart is leading you, go with it!
If you stop, simply start back when you’re ready. Don’t beat yourself up! Don’t make excuses or look for anyone to blame. Just accept, “I’m not really ready to make this journey.”
You may find you want to repeat this or any of the modules several times. You may find that your experience will be different each time.
The second module that should be completed is New Beginnings. This is where you connect with the death burial and resurrection of Jesus. It is impossible to become who you are in Jesus, apart from sharing in the resurrection life of our Lord and Savior! This module prepares you for The Ultimate Put off – Put on Experience. With this foundation, you will be able to face and conquer any repetitive issue. You will be equipped to use all the advance Heart Physics® tools for transformation.
The third module necessary to build a solid foundation in Heart Physics® is Biblically-based EFT Training. I have seen biblically-based EFT successfully used on people of every nationality who were traumatized by witnessing the slaughter of their children, spouse or an entire family. After years of tormenting after effects, many experienced dramatic relief in just minutes.
In these 24 sessions you will:
• Discover how EFT works congruently with God’s Word
• Learn the medical and scientific reasons EFT is so effective
• Set yourself free from the pain of the past
• Apply it in your biblical counseling and personal ministry
• Begin to effectively deal with negative thoughts and emotions
• Be able to use it to help your children throw off fear, destructive behavior, and limited thinking
What about renewing my mind?
Renewing your mind is essential for putting on the new man. If you don’t know and believe the truth about what you have and who you are in Jesus you can never experience transformation. Religious tradition has taught us things that are not true and it has left out major portions of what is ours in the New Covenant. We are perishing because of a combination of a lack of knowledge and incorrect knowledge.
Our Cognitive Support section is designed to give you essential information to renew your mind in a way that is harmonious with what you are establishing in your heart. The more you combine Cognitive Support (renewing the mind) with your heart work the more dramatic and effortless transformation will be.
What’s next?
If you desire to help others use these tools, this would be the time to seek certification as a Heart Physics® Coach. For a complete explanation of our certification training go to Certification Programs.
If you are seeking to develop your personal life, look at the various Heart Physics® Modules and seminars that are available. You can develop your heart beliefs in the areas of health, relationships, finances, team building and personal growth. New Heart Physics® modules are released every year.